Enduring Power of Attorney
We can help prepare your Will, Power of Attorney or Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker.
Enduring Power of Attorney
There are four different appointments that can be made under the Powers of Attorney Act 2014 (Vic).
- Non-enduring Power of Attorney
- Power of Attorney for Security
- Enduring Power of Attorney
- Supportive Attorney
The most common document is the Enduring Power of Attorney. Questions about it feature on our questionnaire. It is the most popular as, once it is made, it lasts after the principal loses their decision-making capacity. This ensures that a principal’s interests can continue to be protected by the nominated parties after the principal loses the capacity to make decisions about their personal or financial affairs or both.
The options for granting power to your attorney or attorneys can be tailored to suit your personal circumstances. Often Principals confer the widest power possible on their attorneys. There is freedom to appoint one or more attorneys. Alternative attorneys can be appointed for each attorney. Attorneys can be made to act jointly (together), jointly and severally (together or separately), by majority or separately. Different attorneys can also be appointed to handle different aspects of your life.
You may appoint an attorney to act for you in personal or financial matters, or both. You can also specify specific acts which you attorney can do or grant specific powers. A subsequent Enduring Power of Attorney does not need to revoke a previous document and they can both be active at the same time, provided there is no conflict between the documents. You can also limit the powers of your attorney by specifying it in the document.
• Immediately• When you cease to have decision making capacity for the matters• At a time that you specify
Non-enduring Power of Attorney
These documents can be used for limited purposes. You can appoint an attorney to act for you. However, the document ceases to have effect if you lose the capacity to make decisions. There are no other significant differences between this document and the enduring power of attorney
Power of Attorney for Security
Please contact us to discuss if you require one of these documents.
Supportive Attorney
These documents can be used for limited purposes. You can appoint an attorney to act for you. However, the document ceases to have effect if you lose the capacity to make decisions. There are no other significant differences between this document and the enduring power of attorney
Removal of Attorneys, Resignation and Revocation
Once you have made your enduring power of attorney, you may wish to remove one or more attorneys. We can assist you with this process. We can also assist you to revoke the document completely and make a new document if appropriate.
An attorney can refuse to sign the statement of acceptance. If this occurs, they will not be an attorney and the appointment will not be complete.
An attorney may also resign as attorney. There is a process required for resignation, which we can assist with.